If you decide to use one of the many rebuilders, look for oem or similar quality parts in the rebuilds. If your dealer does try charging shipping, go through a different one since any decent volume dealer won't charge you. They're worth the extra money and through your local dealer there should be no shipping charges so they most likely end up about the same cost as a lower quality remanufactured engine. If you want a complete shortblock, at this time my recommendation is that you go with an OEM Sea Doo rebuild over any of the other rebuilders out there. THINKING ABOUT A REBUILT CRANK OR SHORTBLOCK? If this site helps you save a little money and learn about your Sea Doo I've accomplished my goal! My tech knowledge is mainly from experience with the pre 2000 models, but I do have reference materials available through 2007 if you need help with a newer model.

If you are in need of technical advice that isn't in this site, please e-mail me and I can try to help. I have spent many years now compiling the information in this site and the primary objective of its existence is to help Sea Doo watercraft owners with repairs and maintenance as well as advice. The main goal of this site is to help the Sea Doo owner with routine to not-so-routine maintenance issues that may arise. Like any mechanical thing though, they do occasionally break so that's how this site came about. I've been in the PWC field since the early '90s and after using and abusing many different makes, in my opinion nothing beats a Sea Doo for ride comfort, features, and power. Welcome and hope you find this site to be useful for technical information for Sea Doo watercraft. The area above is always changing so check back often as links are added. Hopefully this page will help others avoid the same fate! Have you had a bad experience with a dealer, repair shop, or engine rebuilder? If so, now you can post your experiences here. If you have one, contact me with description and price. If you have parts or know of a Sea Doo dealer in your area that is closing, contact me at with the details.īlown or wrecked Sea Doo watercraft in the Ohio vicinity. Parts Inventories from overstocked or closing Sea Doo shops. Therefore if you have a tech question please try the board or other online sources while I'm taking a break. I'm getting away from the tech question answering thing for a while so I can spend time helping my friends at develop more new products to help PWC owners save some money.
SeaDooSource - Sea Doo Technical, Repair, and Parts Information My friends at have many hard to find parts in stock as well as custom kits for your Sea Doo plus they ship all over the world so check them out for your Sea Doo parts needs!